Beer has been a popular beverage for thousands of years, and while it is often viewed as empty calories, it contains some minerals and vitamins that can provide health benefits.
Here are some of the potential medical benefits of beer, according to scientific research:
- Studies have shown that moderate consumption of beer may reduce your risk of kidney stones. By as much as 40%. On the other hand, extreme consumption puts you at great risk of developing kidney stones.
- Drinking less than 24 ounces of beer per day may lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Your risk could be reduced by as much as 25% compared to non drinkers. Several studies suggest that light to moderate beer and alcohol intake may be associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Beer contains vitamin B6, which protects against heart diseases by preventing the build-up of a compound called homocysteine. It has a thinning effect on the blood. This prevents the formation of clots, which cause blockages in the coronary arteries.
- Drinking low amounts of beer may lower a person’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by as much as 25%. Researchers have observed that alcohol help to increase adiponectin levels, a hormone that improved insulin sensitivity. This protects the body against developing Type 2 diabetes.
- Moderate alcohol consumption may increase HDL levels. HDL cholesterol helps to remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream. Increasing HDL levels and provide some benefits against high cholesterol.
- Drinking beer may reduce damage from radiation. A study in Japan suggested that beer drinkers may reduce their risk of chromosomal damage from radiation compared to non-beer drinkers.
- Beer may also protect your from ulcers caused by bacteria. Drinking an average of seven 12 oz beers per week may reduce the risk of ulcers caused by a bacteria knowns as H. Pylori.
- Beer may help you think clearer as you age. Researchers sure love to prove beer is good for you. Men who have one beer a day tend to think clearer in their 70’s and 80’s compared to non-drinkers. Beer contains prebiotics that feed the good bacteria in our gut, which can improve cognitive function
- It may build stronger bones Beer is one of the significant dietary sources of silicon, which research shows can help prevent osteoporosis. Early research suggests that moderate amounts of beer may help strengthen bones for men and postmenopausal women.
- May help you live longer. A study conducted by a psychologist at the University of Texas found that people who drink moderately live longer than those who don’t.
- It cleans your teeth. Beer contains acids that can help remove stains and plaque from teeth.
- It may help prevent cancer. Beer contains antioxidants, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are good for heart, bone health, diabetes, and kidney and brain functions. Scientists at the University of Idaho have found that a key ingredient in beer could be used in the fight against cancer and inflammatory diseases.
Moderation is Key
It’s important to note that while moderate consumption may show some benefits, the key is moderation. Studies have shown that excessive consumption of beer can lead to negative health outcomes, such as cancer, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, heartburn, and weight gain. Therefore, moderation is key when it comes to consuming beer.